rent a photo studio in Berlin

rent studio w/ daylight

The studio is located in the heart of Berlin Friedrichshain and suitable for photography, casting and workshops

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An Ocean of light

Factory floor on 130 square meters, south-facing window front that can be darkened, in the middle of Berlin Friedrichshain, perfect for image productions, castings or workshops

central location





Make-up Area

optionally bookable

light rent

optionally bookable


Tageslicht mietstudio berlin Friedrichshain
Tageslichtstudio Mietstudio berlin Friedrichshain
rent studio photo studio berlin
Tageslichtstudio Mietstudio daylight studio berlin
Tageslicht Mietstudio Berlin Friedrichshain
Fotostudio Mietstudio Berlin Friedrichshain
Fotomietstudio Berlin mit Profi Equipment
Tageslichtstudio Fotostudio mieten Mietstudio Berlin
Mietstudio Fotostudio Berlin
Mietstudio Berlin Blick auf die Südfensterfront

rental rates

You can rent the studio for five hours or for a whole day. Depending on the type of your production and the extras you want, such as light, backgrounds or tripods, we calculate individual surcharges.

starting at 300€ for up to 5hrs

handpainted canvas backdrops

For portrait or product shots, as well as as a background for videos, we offer ecologically sustainable and hand-painted canvas backgrounds in various colors.

we offer backdrops for rent

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    optionally bookable

    light & studio equipment

    strobe light:
    2x Profoto D1 + Air Remote 

    light shaper:
    Beauty Dish (white)
    Deep Silver XL (165cm) + Diffusor
    Deep White M (105cm) + Diffusor
    5' Octa (150cm) + Softgrid
    1x4' (30x120cm)
    2x3' (60x90cm)
    Zoom Reflektor
    Grid Honeycomb 10°
    Magnum Reflektor 50°

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